Results for 'Thomas J. Walsh'

944 found
  1.  17
    Democratic approximation of lexicographic preference models.Fusun Yaman, Thomas J. Walsh, Michael L. Littman & Marie desJardins - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (7-8):1290-1307.
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    Philosophy in the middle ages: The Christian, Islamic, and Jewish traditions.Arthur Hyman, James J. Walsh & Thomas Williams - 2010 - Hackett Publishing.
    Suitable for the teaching of medieval philosophy, this title features judicious selections and translations based on critical editions.
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    New books. [REVIEW]R. C. Cross, Robert H. Stoothoff, Peter Nidditch, John Williamson, W. H. Walsh, Gale W. Engle, Anne Lloyd Thomas, R. Edgley, Martha Kneale, Alan R. White, G. A. J. Rogers & Mary Warnock - 1967 - Mind 76 (304):597-618.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]V. R. Cardozier, Richard la Brecque, Rebecca G. Eller, Doris Walker Weathers, John Walsh, Michael J. Parsons, Richard D. Hansgen, Michael Mumper, Thomas A. Brindley & R. U. D. Anthony G. - 1989 - Educational Studies 20 (4):365-408.
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    Selected Poems of Thomas Walsh[REVIEW]E. J. Fortman - 1931 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 6 (2):328-332.
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    Thomae Rhaedi Britanni... peruigilia metaphysica desideratissima.Thomas Rhaedus, M. J., Joachimus Moersius & Johann Hallervord - 1616 - Prostant Apud Joannem Hallervordeum ..
  7. Embodiment as a Paradigm for Anthropology.Thomas J. Csordas - 1990 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 18 (1):5-47.
  8. Embodiment and Experience: The Existential Ground of Culture and Self.Thomas J. Csordas (ed.) - 1994 - Cambridge University Press.
    Students of culture have been increasingly concerned with the ways in which cultural values are 'inscribed' on the body. These essays go beyond this passive construal of the body to a position in which embodiment is understood as the existential condition of cultural life. From this standpoint embodiment is reducible neither to representations of the body, to the body as an objectification of power, to the body as a physical entity or biological organism, nor to the body as an inalienable (...)
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    Bonaventure.Thomas J. McKenna - 2022 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Bonaventure Bonaventure was a philosopher, a theologian, a prolific author of spiritual treatises, an influential prelate of the Medieval Church, the Minister General of the Franciscan Order, and, later in his life, a Cardinal. He has often been placed in the Augustinian tradition in opposition to the work of his peer, Thomas … Continue reading Bonaventure →.
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  10. Thomas Kuhn on revolution and Paul Feyerabend on anarchy.Thomas J. Hickey - 2005 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 33 (1):102-114.
    The paper discusses some aspects of the relationship between Feyerabend and Kuhn. First, some biographical remarks concerning their connections are made. Second, four characteristics of Feyerabend and Kuhn's concept of incommensurability are discussed. Third, Feyerabend's general criticism of Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions is reconstructed. Fourth and more specifically, Feyerabend's criticism of Kuhn's evaluation of normal science is critically investigated. Finally, Feyerabend's re-evaluation of Kuhn's philosophy towards the end of his life is presented.
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    The “Good Planning Panel”.Thomas J. Smith & Joann N. Bodurtha - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (4):30-32.
    In “Avoiding a Death Panel Redux,” Nicole Piemonte and Laura Hermer make the argument that the advance care planning consultation provision during the health care reform debate collapsed both because the language in the provision was deliberately misread and because some features of the language could in fact be misleading. We agree on both counts. We add that the cost‐effectiveness provisions of the bill make us face difficult decisions we as a nation would rather avoid, but can and must face (...)
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    Metaphysical Accounts of the Zygote as a Person and the Veto Power of Facts.Thomas J. Bole - 1989 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 14 (6):647-653.
    That the soul of a human person is infused at conception is a metaphysical claim. But given its traditional articulation, it has the empirical consequence that the zygote must have a substantial continuity with the adult person, a continuity which is already determined at conception. This empirical consequence is contradicted by the fact that the zygote may become a hydatidiform mole, or several persons. The metaphysical claim is falsified by the facts. Keywords: abortion, information capacity, metaphysical account, person, zygote CiteULike (...)
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  13.  35
    Spirituality for Peacemaking in Our Time.Thomas J. Gumbleton - 2004 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 1 (1):103-116.
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    Lowe and Baldwin on modalities.Thomas J. McKay - 1986 - Mind 95 (380):499-505.
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    Theories of Technological Change.Thomas J. Misa - 1998 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 18 (4):312-312.
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    Jürgen Renn. The Evolution of Knowledge: Rethinking Science for the Anthropocene.Thomas J. H. Morgan - 2021 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 5 (2):131-134.
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  17. A Reconsideration of an Argument against Compatibilism.Thomas J. McKay & David Johnson - 1996 - Philosophical Topics 24 (2):113-122.
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    (1 other version)Marxism-leninism in high school.Thomas J. Blakeley - 1963 - Studies in East European Thought 3 (2):139-147.
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    On Cold Mountain: A Buddhist Reading of the Hanshan Poems. By Paul Rouzer.Thomas J. Mazanec - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (3).
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  20. "Where nature will speak to them in sacred sounds" : music and transcendence in E.T.A. Hoffmann.Thomas J. Mulherin - 2015 - In Férdia J. Stone-Davis, Music and Transcendence. Ashgate. pp. 159-176.
  21. The Nuremberg Trials.Thomas J. Dodd - 2008 - In Guénaël Mettraux, Perspectives on the Nuremberg Trial. Oxford University Press.
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  22.  10
    How a library network operates: The Ohio model.Thomas J. Sanville - 1995 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 6 (2):79-82.
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  23.  13
    The Eucharistic Theologies of Lauda Sion and Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae.Thomas J. Bell - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (2):163-185.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE EUCHARISTIC THEOLOGIES OF LAUDA SION AND THOMAS AQUINAS'S SUMMA THEOLOGIAE THOMAS J. BELL Emory University Atlanta, Georgia MANY works associated with Thomas Aquinas stand both the Office and Mass for the Feast of Corpus Christi.1 The earliest witness to this association comes from two of Thomas's Dominican brothers and younger contemporaries, Tolomeo of Lucca and William of Tocco. Around 1317 Tolomeo wrote in his (...)
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  24.  34
    Seeing the insane in textbooks of abnormal psychology: The uses of art in histories of mental illness.Thomas J. Schoeneman, Shannon Brooks, Carla Gibson, Julia Routbort & Dieter Jacobs - 1994 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 24 (2):111–141.
    Pictures in historical chapters of textbooks convey information about the values and assumptions of the authors’professions and the larger culture. We scrutinized 15 recent abnormal psychology textbooks for reproductions of art created before 1900. Thirteen works appeared in three or more textbooks. Overall, these pictures support a “Whiggish” account of history that celebrates the present and gives a distorted, incomplete rendering of the past. The 13 pictures tended to depict the mentally ill as an underclass who are released from their (...)
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  25.  28
    Causal relationships and the acquisition of avoidance responses.Thomas J. Testa - 1974 - Psychological Review 81 (6):491-505.
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    Xenelasia and Social Control in Classical Sparta.Thomas J. Figueira - 2003 - Classical Quarterly 53 (1):44-74.
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    Landscapes with Angels.Thomas J. Sullivan - 2005 - The Chesterton Review 31 (3/4):305-307.
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  28. Antiquity and the middle ages.Thomas J. Mathiesen - 2011 - In Theodore Gracyk & Andrew Kania, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Music. New York: Routledge. pp. 257.
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  29.  12
    Kierkegaard and the New Nationalism: A Contemporary Reinterpretation of the Attack upon Christendom.Thomas J. Millay - 2021 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Kierkegaard and the New Nationalism argues for the relevance of Kierkegaard’s “attack upon Christendom” within our current situation of resurgent nationalism. Kierkegaard’s ascetic voice calls his readers not simply to critique nationalism, but to renounce it, thereby striking at nationalism's self-assertive core.
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    Dual-Tasking in the Near-Hand Space: Effects of Stimulus-Hand Proximity on Between-Task Shifts in the Psychological Refractory Period Paradigm.Thomas J. Hosang, Rico Fischer, Jennifer Pomp & Roman Liepelt - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The development of learning and memory in Aplysia.Thomas J. Carew, Emilie A. Marcus, Thomas G. Nolen, Catharine H. Rankin & Mark Stopfer - 1990 - In J. McGaugh, Jerry Weinberger & G. Lynch, Brain Organization and Memory: Cells, Systems, and Circuits. Guilford Press.
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    Letters to the Editor.Thomas J. Nasca - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (4):794-797.
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    Is There a Measure on Earth?: Foundations for a Nonmetaphysical Ethics.Thomas J. Nenon & Reginald Lilly (eds.) - 1987 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    The search for an ethics rooted in human experience is the crux of this deeply compassionate work, here translated from the 1983 German edition. Distinguished philosopher Werner Marx provides a close reading, critique, and _Weiterdenken_, or "further thinking," of Martin Heidegger's later work on death, language, and poetry, which has often been dismissed as both obscure and obscurantist. In it Marx seeks, and perhaps finds, both a measure for distinguishing between good and evil and a motive for preferring the former. (...)
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    Tragedy and the genesis of nothingness.Thomas J. J. Altizer - 1994 - Sophia 33 (1):1-13.
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  35. The nature of mathematical sociology: A non-technical essay.Thomas J. Fararo - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  36. Firm level performance on non-market actions‖.J. Quasney Thomas & M. Grimm Curtis - 2000 - Business and Society 39 (2):126-143.
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  37. Citizen-driven Geographic Information Science.Thomas J. Lampoltshammer & Johannes Scholz - 2017 - In Luigi Ceccaroni, Analyzing the role of citizen science in modern research. Hershey PA: Information Science Reference.
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    The Influence of Inequality on Welfare Generosity: Evidence from the US States.Thomas J. Hayes & Lyle Scruggs - 2017 - Politics and Society 45 (1):35-66.
    This article examines the relationship between income concentration and policy outputs that determine the generosity of two major state-level safety net programs: unemployment insurance and cash social assistance. Using a difference in differences framework, it tests the degree to which the top 1 percent share is associated with benefit replacement rates for these programs during the period 1978–2010. The results suggest that higher state income inequality lowers those states’ welfare benefits significantly in ways consistent with a “plutocracy” hypothesis that has (...)
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    Libertarians and the Free Market.Thomas J. Herron - 1996 - The Chesterton Review 22 (4):567-569.
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    Aenigma Omnibus? The Transatlantic Late Humanism of Zinzendorf and the Early Moravians.Thomas J. Keeline & Stuart M. McManus - 2019 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 82 (1):315-356.
    This article uncovers a hitherto underappreciated aspect of transatlantic cultural history: Moravian late humanism, and its relationship to contemporary intellectual currents in the Americas and the broader Republic of Letters in the age of Benjamin Franklin. To date, the Moravians have attracted the attention of scholars for their novel theological views on gender and sexuality, their unique approach to reconciling piety with profit, their missionary efforts among native populations, their musical culture and their rejection of slavery. Their interactions with the (...)
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    Human Freedom and Social Order.J. Heywood Thomas & John Wild - 1961 - Philosophical Review 70 (2):270.
  42. Lookism as Epistemic Injustice.Thomas J. Spiegel - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (1):47-61.
    Lookism refers to discrimination based on physical attractiveness or the lack thereof. A whole host of empirical research suggests that lookism is a pervasive and systematic form of social discrimination. Yet, apart from some attention in ethics and political philosophy, lookism has been almost wholly overlooked in philosophy in general and epistemology in particular. This is particularly salient when compared to other forms of discrimination based on race or gender which have been at the forefront of epistemic injustice as a (...)
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  43.  9
    Consciousness and Normative Subjectivity.Thomas J. McPartland - 1995 - Method 13 (2):111-129.
  44.  11
    John Gower's Use of Ovid in Book III of the Confessio Amantis.Thomas J. Hatton - 1987 - Mediaevalia 13:257-274.
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    Ethical theories in conflict.Thomas J. Higgins - 1967 - Milwaukee,: Bruce Pub. Co..
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    The Foundation and Limits of Authority.Thomas J. Higgins - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 9:170-176.
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    (1 other version)Discussions.Thomas J. Blakeley, M. C. Chapman & Paul Zancanaro - 1982 - Studies in East European Thought 24 (4):277-294.
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    Open questions in contemporary Soviet epistemology.Thomas J. Blakeley - 1966 - Studies in Soviet Thought 6 (3):185-189.
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    Some recent works on marxist thought.Thomas J. Blakeley - 1970 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 8 (1):95-101.
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    (1 other version)Soviet writings on atheism and religion.Thomas J. Blakeley - 1964 - Studies in East European Thought 4 (4):319-338.
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